1. General
These terms and conditions apply to every offer and agreement between Doctorbags.shop and a consumer to which Doctorbags.shop has declared these terms and conditions applicable, insofar as the parties have not deviated from these conditions explicitly and in writing. If articles are ordered from Doctorbags.shop, they agree with the provisions in these General Terms and Conditions.

2. Information
All information on the Doctorbags.shop website has been carefully compiled. However, it can not be excluded that certain information is incorrect, incomplete and / or not up to date. Doctorbags.shop is not liable for this. Doctorbags.shop is also not liable for information and prices that are placed on the website by third parties, such as rates, announcements and / or the consequences of the resulting transactions.

The images, drawings, dimensions, colors of bags and accessories may differ from reality. These deviations can not give rise to damages for dissolution and / or cancellation of the Agreement.

3. Prices and payments
All prices on the Doctorbags.shop website are in euros. Consumers can pay Doctorbags.shop in several ways. The payment options are described on the website. Delivery of the order will only take place if the payment has been received by Doctorbags.shop.

4. Delivery
The delivery period is indicative and is therefore never a fatal deadline. However, the final delivery time will never exceed the specified delivery time by more than one week, unless there is force majeure.

The order is normally offered to PostNL for delivery within five (5) working days after receipt of payment. PostNL usually delivers the next day provided the delivery address is within the Netherlands. At 'not at home' the addressee receives a ticket in the mailbox with further information about the post office where the package can be picked up. Postcards can not be held liable for the late delivery by PostNL.

5. Reservation of ownership
The ownership of the delivered items is only transferred if all that is due to Doctorbags.shop under any agreement is met. The risk with regard to the items is transferred to you at the moment of delivery.

6. Return shipments
It may happen that your purchase is not quite what you expected. You can therefore always exchange or return items that you have purchased through our webshop. When you return an order to us, you must first inform us of this. This can be done by telephone (+ 31346-832104) or by email (info@doctorbags.shop). Please return the packing slip when returning the goods so that we know who the shipment originated from. Do this within 2 weeks after you receive the item. Of course we can only take back undamaged and unused articles. We will transfer to you the amount of the item including the shipping costs made by us within 14 working days after we have received the item in good condition. Shipping costs will not be reimbursed. You can return your order to:


Abel Tasmanlaan 5


The Netherlands

Return shipments are at the risk of the buyer. This means that Doctorbags.shop is not liable for damage or loss of products sent by you. So make sure you always have a shipping receipt if you send something back. You can also hand in the article in Maarssen (by appointment).

7. Questions / complaints
If there are any questions or complaints about the purchased items, please contact us by e-mail. You will receive notice as soon as possible, but in any case within 3 working days.

8. Protection of personal data
Doctorbags.shop finds it very important that the information provided by the consumer is treated carefully and confidentially. Doctorbags.shop will not pass on the provided personal data to other parties, with the exception of third parties that are called in to execute the order. When placing an order we need name, the invoice and delivery address and payment details to be able to execute the order.

9. Liability
Doctorbags.shop guarantees that the items to be delivered meet the usual requirements and standards that can be set for them and are free from defects upon delivery.

If the items delivered by Doctorbags.shop are defective, the liability towards the consumer is limited to what has been arranged for "Return shipments". The liability with regard to the articles, however, always rests with the manufacturer.

Doctorbags.shop hereby excludes any responsibility for any damage, physical, material or immaterial, which would be the result of defective functioning or misuse of the items sold by us as much as possible and limits it in any case to repair or replacement of the article, or refund of the purchase price.

Moreover, Doctorbags.shop is not liable if the damage is due to intentional or improper use of the product by the consumer.

10. Force majeure
Without prejudice to the other rights to which it is entitled, in the event of force majeure Doctorbags.shop has the right, at its own discretion, to suspend the execution of your order, or to dissolve the agreement without judicial intervention, this by the consumer in writing. to be shared and this without Doctorbags.shop being obliged to pay any compensation, unless this would be unacceptable in the circumstances to the standards of reasonableness and fairness.

11. Copyright
Copyright is available on all information on the website. It is not permitted to copy and / or distribute information from the Doctorbags.shop website without prior written permission in any form whatsoever. Visitors and / or users of the website can in no way derive any rights from the information offered. The text or graphics in this website may not be copied and / or made public by print, photocopy, fax, retyping, storage in an automated database or otherwise, without written permission from Doctorbags.shop, which applies to the entire or partial operation.

12. Applicable law
All rights, obligations, offers, orders and agreements to which these general terms and conditions apply, as well as these conditions, are governed exclusively by Dutch law.

13. Acceptance of general conditions
All users of this website are deemed to have taken note of and agree to the conditions mentioned above. By placing an order, you automatically agree with our Terms and Conditions.

14. Warranty
On all our bags we give a one-year warranty on manufacturing defects and defects that should not have been caused by normal use. We give a lifetime warranty on the locks of our McFermoir doctor's bags.

Of course we give no guarantee when there is:

- deliberate damage or damage due to negligence (eg water, fall and / or impact damage, to fill the bag);

- improper use

- negligent maintenance

- normal wear and tear

Your warranty claim lapses as soon as other service or repair services have processed the product.

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